এসিস্ট্যান্টশিপ নিউজ, Fall 18

সবাইকে স্বাগতম। এই পোস্টে আমি নিয়মিত এসিস্ট্যান্টশিপের নিউজ আপডেট করতে থাকবো। যেহেতু আমি বনবিদ্যা, পরিবেশ বিজ্ঞান, পরিবেশ অর্থনীতির ওপর গবেষণা করছি, তাই আমি এই বিষয়গুলোর বেশ কিছু গ্রুপের সাথে যুক্ত। সেখানে প্রায়ই বিভিন্ন এসিস্ট্যান্টশিপের খবর আসে। এতদিন আমি নেক্সটপের ফেসবুক পেইজে সেগুলো পোস্ট করতাম। কিন্তু সেগুলো সহজেই হারিয়ে যায়, টাইমলাইনে হাজার হাজার পোস্টের ভিড়ে চাপা পড়ে যায়। তাই ঠিক করেছি, সব এখানেই তুলে রাখবো যাতে আগ্রহী ছাত্ররা সহজেই খুঁজে পায়। এছাড়াও অন্যান্য বিষয়ের ওপর যে যেখান থেকেই এসিস্ট্যান্টশিপের খবর পাবেন, এই পোস্টে কমেন্ট করলে আমি সেটাকেও যুক্ত করে দেবো।

কীভাবে সহজে আপনার বিষয়ের ওপর এসিস্ট্যান্টশিপের খবর খুঁজে পাবেন? একদম সহজ! আমি নিচে সবই ইংরেজিতে টুকে রেখেছি, যাতে আপনি ব্রাউজারের FIND অপশন ইউজ করে (ctrl+F) কীওয়ার্ড সার্চ করতে পারেন। নতুন যত বিজ্ঞপ্তি আসবে, সেগুলোকে ওপরের দিকে যুক্ত করা হবে। সুবিধার জন্য প্রত্যেকটা নিউজের গায়ে নম্বর যুক্ত করা হয়েছে।


11. PhD in Business (Economics Department or Environmental Studies in Life Sciences) + M.S. in Economics or Environmental Studies

Deadline – February 1, 2018

Where – Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU)

Topic – Maritime shipping risks (pollution externalities, safety, etc) and policy instruments to mitigate these risks in the Arctic.

Supervisor – Dr. Linda Fernandez (lmfernandez@vcu.edu)

Special requirement – Formal preparation in economics and quantitative methods including applied mathematics and/or simulation modeling, statistics to succeed in the program’s courses of microeconomic theory, mathematical economics, econometrics, environmental economics, and ecological-economic modeling. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in developing modeling skills and those with a demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary ecological-economic modeling, dynamic programming and environmental and natural resource economics (e.g., through undergraduate research). Students with additional backgrounds (proficiency in statistical and modeling programs (Stata or SAS, Matlab,Mathematica, Python) as well as experience in organizing, cleaning, and analyzing data) are encouraged to apply.

Application procedure – Please send the following to Dr. Linda Fernandez by email (lmfernandez@vcu.edu): (1) Cover letter describing your interest and prior experience relevant for the research topic; (2) your CV indicating scholarly, extracurricular, and work experiences; (3) Contact information for three academic or professional references; and (4) Copy of all undergraduate transcripts (and graduate transcripts, if applicable), GRE scores, and TOEFL scores (if applicable).


10. PhD in Coastal Resources Management (Coastal and Marine Economics and Policy)

Deadline – January 15

Where – The Departments of Economics, Engineering, Biology, Institute of Coastal Science and Policy, and the Center for Sustainability at East Carolina University

Topic – Coastal and Marine Economics and Policy and will choose a secondary focus in Coastal Geosciences or Estuarine Ecology

Supervisor – Dr. Jake Hochard

Special requirement – The qualified candidate will have a strong undergraduate or graduate training in economics and/or environmental studies. Candidates with an interest in interdisciplinary research and a familiarity with econometric techniques and geospatial analysis are strongly encouraged to apply.

Application procedure – Please contact Dr. Jake Hochard (hochardj15@ecu.edu) by January 15th, 2018 with your CV, unofficial transcript(s), GRE scores, and a short statement describing prior research experience and interests.


09. Multiple Graduate Assistantships in Forestry and Environmental Resources

Deadline – January 15

Where – University of North Carolina (Environment and Ecology, Geography, and Public Policy) and Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Carolina State University

Topic – Energy poverty in Southern Africa.

Supervisor – Multiple projects, Multiple Supervisor

Special requirement – Some projects may require US citizen or permanent residents only. So, please contact the project coordinators first.

Application procedure – Link 1Link 2.


08. Master’s in Food Economics

Deadline – January 15

Where – University of Montana

Topic – Research supported by this grant will be interdisciplinary, involving at least two elements of the food-energy-water nexus. Potential areas of research include: (1) tradeoffs between food, energy and/or water in river and rangeland systems in the US or Brazil; (2) implications for agriculture and water of energy transitions (e.g., between fossil fuels and renewables); (3) agriculture and drought management in the face of climate change uncertainty; and (4) tribal and indigenous issues at the food-energy-water nexus.

Supervisor – Dr. Katrina Mullan

Special requirement – The first year of the two-year MA program will be funded through a teaching or research assistantship with a stipend of $9K. Subject to satisfactory performance, the second year will be funded through a UM BRIDGES Fellowship of $34K. Tuition waivers will be provided in both years. Fellowships can only be awarded to US citizens. However, non-US citizens are eligible for Economics Department teaching assistantships and may participate in the UM BRIDGES program as trainees rather than fellows (with access to travel and research funds).

Application procedure – Submit a full application to the University of Montana MA Economics program (hs.umt.edu/econ/graduate_program/how_to_apply). In addition, send a CV with cover letter stating whether you are a US citizen, and describing why you would be a strong candidate for the UM BRIDGES program to Katrina Mullan (katrina.mullan@umontana.edu).


07. 2-3 PhD & 2-3 MS in Resource Economics

Deadline – February 1st, 2018

Where – Department of Resource Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst

Topic – Various topics related to Resource Economics

Supervisor – 6 graduate programs, multiple supervisors

Special requirement – For any questions, please contact Dr. Christian Rojas (rojas@resecon.umass.edu), the chair of the Graduate Study Committee.

Application procedure – See HERE.


06. PhD (Summer 2018) in Entomology/Forestry

Deadline – Not found. But contact ASAP.

Where – The Forest Entomology Laboratory in the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Entomology and Plant Pathology at Mississippi State University

Topic – biogeochemical dynamics in forest ecosystems after bark beetle epidemics. Read full announcement HERE.

Supervisor – Dr. John Riggins

Special requirement – Read full announcement

Application procedure – Interested individuals should contact Dr. John Riggins and provide a cover letter, C.V., GRE scores, TOEFL scores (If not a citizen of the U.S.), GPA, and a list of references. Email – jriggins@entomology.msstate.edu


05. MS in Forest Sustainability

Deadline – First come, first served. Therefore, ASAP.

Where – Dwivedi Forest Sustainability Lab, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia

Topic – Economics and life cycle assessment of cover crops grown in loblolly pine plantations

Supervisor – Dr. Puneet Dwivedi

Special requirement – 

Application procedure – Details of the application process are HERE. Interested candidates are encouraged to send their resume and GRE score to Dr. Dwivedi (puneetd@uga.edu) before applying online.


04. PhD in Alligator Space Use & Movement Ecology

Deadline – January 01, 2018

Where – Clemson University

Topic – American Alligator space use and movement ecology in human-dominated ecosystems along the coast of South Carolina. Read full description HERE.

Supervisor – Dr. Cathy Jachowski

Special requirement – Applicants must hold a M.S. in wildlife biology, ecology, natural resources or a related field. Please type “Alligator PhD Assistantship” in the subject line of the email, while contacting Dr. Jachowski

Application procedure – Qualified applicants should email a single PDF (.pdf) document that includes:
• A 1 pg. cover letter highlighting their research interests, future career goals and qualifications
• Curriculum Vitae (CV) that includes unofficial GRE scores
• Unofficial transcripts
• Complete contact information for 3 professional references

to Dr. Cathy Jachowski (cjachow@clemson.edu).


03. Ph.D. Assistantship in Forest Operations

Deadline – April 1 (See more)

Where – Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation at Virginia Tech

Topic – Forest operations and logging businesses

Supervisor – Dr. Scott Barrett

Special requirement – The student should have a strong background and interest in applied forestry, especially harvesting operations and extension programs.

Application procedure – Applications must be submitted to the Virginia Tech Graduate School, HERE. GRE scores are required.


02. PhD in Environmental Economics

Deadline – February 15 to be reviewed for admission.  Contact Dr. Atallah with questions (shadi.atallah@unh.edu).

Where – Department of Economics, University of New Hampshire (UNH).

Topic – Economics of managing invasive plants in forests with heterogeneous landownership. The position is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture. Click here for more details on the project.

Supervisor – Dr. Shadi S. Atallah, Assistant Professor of Environmental and Resource Economics in the Environmental and Resource Economics program, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment

Special Requirement – Master’s degree in economics, agricultural and resource economics or a related field. In your personal statement essay, please describe your qualifications and interest in this project and explicitly state that you would like to be considered for this announced position.

Application procedure – Please follow this link for details on the online application and the PhD curriculum.


01. PhD in Interdisciplinary Payments for Ecosystem Services Research

Deadline – 15th January

Where – Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana

Topic – Project abstract can be found: https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1660481.

Supervisor – Dr. Zhao Ma at Purdue University (website – visit here).

Special Requirement – Fluency in Spanish Language.

Application procedure – Interested applicants should send a brief letter of interest and a copy of their CV (including GPA and GRE scores) via email to Dr. Zhao Ma (zhaoma@purdue.eduprior to formally applying to the Purdue Graduate School.


I will keep adding more (in the following format) as I learn about more opportunities. আবারো জানিয়ে দিচ্ছি, নতুন বিজ্ঞপ্তিগুলো ওপরের দিকে যুক্ত করা হবে।

Deadline – 

Where – 

Topic – 

Supervisor – 

Special requirement – 

Application procedure – 





মন্তব্য করুন

আপনার ই-মেইল এ্যাড্রেস প্রকাশিত হবে না। * চিহ্নিত বিষয়গুলো আবশ্যক।